Friday, August 22, 2008

sick days in the summer

There's arguably nothing worse than a summer cold. Everyone else you know is frolicking around enjoying the last lazy days of summer while you are stuck inside trying to get well again.
Thus was how my week began, a sore throat and sinus headache, most likely caused by lack of substantial breakfasts and working overtime.
The best thing about being sick, anytime, is taking advantage of all those movies you've DVR'd. Movies that your boyfriend would never, in a million years, attempt to enjoy.
This week I finally got to watch Romi and Michelle: In the Beginning which I had recorded months ago and was not disappointed. I now have a new-found appreciation for Katherine Heigl who does a wicked job of playing a major air-head. Kudos!I also had a second-viewing of Reality Bites, which was just as good as the 1st, and the original 1970's version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers with very handsome Donald Sutherland.
So I apologize for not keeping up with my blogs this week, but rest-assured I was getting some much-needed rest and quality viewing time while on my couch.

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