Friday, January 23, 2009

Sign O' the Times: depression II

I was having a conversation with my boss not too long ago. During the Great Depression, her in-laws were seriously hurting, everyone was in those days. Sharing what you could, what you had to offer, was often all you had. This family used to pay a woman 1-3 cents to brush their hair. It's not like they needed someone to brush their hair, nor did they have two pennies of their own to rub together, yet it was this sharing that helped keep people going and helped keep communities tight.

Yesterday, I saw a shoe shine man, going door to door to luxury businesses, shining shoes in doorways and I was reminded of this story. To me, this looked like a bad sign of times to come. Pretty soon, we will start seeing hookers in the streets again, (I've seen them on 12th and Pine recently) and people will be wanting to wash your windsheilds with dirty rags again. I guess, if you can give, you should, because things are taking a turn for the worse.

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