People come over my house all the time and say, "oh you guys should totally watch Food Inc." We haven't watched it yet, only because we've been researching this stuff for over a decade. I'm vegan because of factory farming, and while in a perfect world everyone would be vegan, I know a 'perfect' world is also a non-reality.
Thankfully, to people like first lady Michelle Obama and food researcher and author Michael Pollan, people are talking and more people are starting to listen.
Michael Pollan appeared on
Democracy Now on Monday. Tuesday,
Michelle Obama talks to Larry King about childhood obesity. After listening to Pollan discuss Oprah's lawsuit with Big Beef, I was curious to see how deeply Michelle would delve into our food industry and she just barely grazed upon the subject matter. Larry seemed much more intent on finding out about life in the White House, instead of focusing on the issue. Probably no fault of either of them. Big Beef strongly discourages any flack on their industry, as we've seen in the Oprah case, which she has not broached since.
I'm happy to see food as a discussion in our society. After reading Barbara Kingsolver's book,
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle I have a new respect for this Slow Food Movement and I'm a supporter of bringing back extinct breeds of livestock, versus factory farming. If that is what it takes for people to eat healthy. I like the idea of America re-inventing itself based on tradition.
What this country needs is more discussions about food, and to invigorate the public to make better choices. Healthy living costs more. I spend a lot of money on food, but since it's my health and future I'm investing in, it's a no brainer. I stopped thinking that I need a new pair of shoes, or a new bag and instead, buy lots of fresh produce, super-foods and supplements. Talking about food is the first step, now we must ALL put it into action. However you eat healthier, it's up to you, but fresh food is key. Banish prepared foods, processed foods and sugar and you will have a healthier, more fulfilling life of purpose. Both Pollan and Michelle Obama stress the importance of the family meal. This couldn't be more important. Take a step towards eating healthier today. Your body will thank you.