Thursday, April 17, 2008

emissions, meat consumption and Americans

Finally people in the (somewhat) mainstream media are no longer afraid to go against Big Beef. Yesterday on NPR, a program aired addressing how meat consumption and carbon emissions are directly linked. Listen here: Most informed vegans are well aware of this fact, but the average American lives in utter denial.

An interesting factoid for you: Americans consume 40-50% more meat than the average German! Germans are notorious for meat-eating, yet Berlin has a high concentration of vegan restaurants. Americans, who were once on the cutting edge of all things savvy, is falling very far behind. Americans are not accountable for what they put in their bodies, preferring a plastic wrapped pink sirloin from the refrigerator in the grocery store in favor of buying local, supporting farmers and therefore increasing our burden on the environment.
Finally someone besides the lowly vegan speaks and is heard!

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