Wednesday, April 16, 2008

a few things about Hilary or why I'm voting for Obama

A few weeks ago, I angrily mused about MSNBC's David Shuster's suspension and the Clinton campaign. To refresh your memory go to:(

Last week, Air America fired Randi Rhodes for saying that "Hilary Clinton was a whore." The day after she uttered those very words, she was axed. Mind you, Randi wasn't on the radio at the time. She was doing a stand-up routine for an affiliate in San Fransisco. Randi Rhodes practically founded Air America, a liberal talk radio network. Your friends cannot help you when it comes to government censorship. No one likes to be name-called, especially being called a whore, but if you value your first amendment rights like I do, maybe you'll reconsider pulling that lever for Clinton at the Pennsylvania Primary on Tuesday. She's already censoring our free speech and further jeopardizing our rights to a fair, unbiased media. What else will she take away?

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