Sunday, February 10, 2008

Censorship and the media

Those who followed my blog on Myspace are familiar with my fond alliance with the First Amendment. Also a librarian and voracious reader, I wonder what my life would be like if I where never to have been allowed to read Henry Miller or Catcher in the Rye. Censorship still goes on today and it is very real. Not too long ago, shock jocks Opie and Anthony were suspended off Free FM (what??) and Imus was temporarily fired for his "racial slur" over the summer. We are a hyper-senstive society ready to sue and attack at the slighest ruffling of feathers.

This week in censorship: David Shuster from MSNBC gets suspended after making a comment that the Clintons "pimped out" their daughter Chelsea to campaign for Hilary. Two little words...First of all, I believe he was well within his right to speak his opinion; the Clintons should have just acted duck-like and let that wash right off their backs. Second of all, the powers that be at MSNBC are spineless tools for suspending Shuster. I'm having a hard time accepting this. We live in a mediatocracy where real opinions and real events are shadowed by the FCC and whether we might hurt someone feelings. Come on. Get spines people, (er...clintons) and show we can rise above insults, not be hampered by them.
Insulted or not, the point is that we are a species of varied opinions. We are humans trying to fight against a uni-lateral society of one thought one idea one mind.

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