Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's not easy bein' Green

Living in Philadelphia and trying to live environmentally is kind of an oxymoron. You've got people throwing trash on the street while a trash can lies at the end of every block, (trust me I've yelled at them), and you've got this huge Sunoco plant at the crux of South West Philadelphia. On a clear day, you can smell unpleasant wafts of sulfur blowing from the south, and if you've spent the weekend away and roll your window down once you're about to cross the Ben Franklin Bridge, well, the stench of the city just attacks you. No matter, I do what I can. Last night, before I went to sleep, I take a look out the window, down the sidewalk, at our trash lined up for pick up today. My bag of plastics for recycling seems to be missing! "How odd" I thought, and lay down to sleep. It was a windy night, and moments later I hear plastic bottles rattling through the streets. I look out the window once more and guiltily spy all my recycling blowing all through the streets of Philadelphia in a wild wind storm. I'll tell you, I was kind of upset about it, my city is so filthy as it is, and no wonder. Wouldn't you know, this morning as I was going to work and bringing back in my recycling bucket, there was, what looked like, a pile of piss welled up inside!? Oh Philly how I love thee. I only hope it was dog piss, but you never know, and that would be one tall dog to reach the top of that container. That is a new one. Who would do such a thing, really?

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