Thursday, March 19, 2009

I love you Mary Jane

Yesterday, in that free little paper, the Metro, there was an article introducing the possibility of legalizing pot for the city of Philadelphia. State rep Mark B Cohen supports this idea, but sees little public support. Say What? I did, what apparently many others did. I contacted Mark Cohen and offered to help get this bill on the ballot. What kind of help are we talking about? Let's start by getting some signatures. I have yet to hear from Cohen, but in today's Metro, he said he received thousands of contacts through facebook and other networking sites.
If you live in Philadelphia and support this idea, now is a time to be heard. On a day when Mayor Nutter announced a miserable financial outlook, I think it's either time for serious change or a mass exodus from this city. If you are tired of living in the shadows of New York and DC, then maybe this idea isn't such a bad one. Tax dollars, for one, would pour into the city, and wouldn't you just love a place to chill out at, a leisure cafe a la Amsterdam, Toronto, and Vancouver. Philadelphia could be a destination. Can you imagine? And businesses would blossom, money would pour into our poor city.

What can you do? Contact Rep Mark Cohen. Join PA Norml and march in this spring's annual marijuana march this may. Most importantly: Be Heard!

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