Thursday, March 12, 2009

What!? Foie Gras Week!?

Yep, you read correctly. Next week marks the start of Philadelphia's Foie Gras Week. While other places like the city of Chicago and the state of California have banned the sale of foie gras in stores and restaurants, this backward city is celebrating this archaic brand of animal torture.
For a list of restaurants to avoid, see here. Again, I wonder, how can I live in this unhealthy city that was put on the map for another vulgar specialty, the cheesesteak.
I like to compare foie gras eaters with Hummer drivers. People think they look good eating their engorged, toxic liver, but they really look like insensitive brutes, kind of like SUV drivers! The car industry is working hard to make economical, responsible cars, so why are we still eating foie gras? huh? Can't foie gras farmers farm stuff like ...vegetables! Move forward!
One person defending the foie gras industry asks why protesters don't protest McDonalds or KFC. uhh, we do, we don't eat there and have you checked out PETA's website lately, it's an ongoing campaign? duh. Do your research before saying something ignorant.
Oh Philadelphia, you disgust me.

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