Friday, December 21, 2007

whale killing and boyotts

When I learned that Iceland was killing seals, I made a commitment to boycott Iceland until they changed their ways. Other countries also have hot springs....and are cheaper and less hostile towards animals.

This whole Japanese whale-hunting issue is an atrocity to the modern thinker. Thanks to celeb Hayden Panettiere, who has a warrant out for her arrest by the Japanese government, we are now aware that seemingly civilized Japan also is worthy of a boycott. I don't understand whale hunting, but then again, I also don't see how seal bludgeoning still goes on in Canada. Do we even live in a civilized world? Have we ever?

Just yesterday a seal was floating on an ice-cake down a river in Massachusetts, playful and happy. I grew up going on whale watches, seeing enormous humpback whales bear their beautiful bodies for all who came to see. Will the next generation of youth even have that chance?

Respect needs to be taken for animals; international law needs to regulate our oceans and fishing industries. What I took for granted 10 or 20 years ago is now a rarity; humpback whales are very close to being endangered. Whales are sacred; if we knowingly destroy them, I have little hope for humanity as we know it.

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