Saturday, January 5, 2008

oops she did it again

Like any other human on earth, I must give my two cents on Britney.

Not surprised, really, that she got dragged off to rehab. Is it any surprise that she is mental? Shaved head anyone? We are all just transfixed, fascinated, glued to our seats, at the expense of this washed up pop star who belongs in a trailer. She's the next Anna Nicole, mark my words.

The more interesting thing, I think, is the state of all our former media queens. Hmm..Paris was photographed with first Larry Birkhead, (Ann Nicole's baby papa) and then later, with K-Fed. I think it's great for K-Fed, but Paris, umm aren't these DList celebs? Has Paris sunk too low?

What about Lindsay? All I hear is that she's unhirable, washed up. Oh and that she had a little slip up and drank something. Oh, to be a celebrity, where we aren't allowed more than one mistake, where a day makes all the difference. We don't know who are role models are anymore, because, quite frankly they're boring and don't make the media any money so we never see them anyways.

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