Sunday, January 6, 2008


We are living in a mediatocricy. (A government run by the media) I've just coined a new word in response to the refusal to allow Dennis Kucinich to appear on Fox News during the Iowa Caucus, and now ABC did not allow Dennis in on the New Hampshire debates last night. America is not being given the entire spectrum of their voting pool, and for progressive thinkers, Kucinich really is the only candidate for real political change. Against the war, with a strong health care plan, for getting us away from our dependence on foreign oil, and most importantly for our rights as US citizens, Kucinich, a strong upholder of the Constitution, rings strong with my values. There are more than just two candidates people, open your eyes!
America will vote for whomever gets the most visibility from the powers of the media unless we realize we are being hoodwinked into voting for a corporate tool. Think about it.

Republicans scare me. Mitt Romney has little hope left, Guilani is ruined and Huckleberry has the evangelical support. Please don't let us slip into a Christian military state, with Huckleberry as our guide. Ron Paul is the only hope we, as American people, have other than Dennis. Would Obama, a black man, be able to win the vote against Huckleberry? Time will only tell. But I'm still hoping for Kucinich.
People, do yourself and everyone else a favor. Get educated, look beyond the obvious, be detectives. Make it work for all of us.

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