Tuesday, January 15, 2008

sports, drugs and the law

Can anyone please explain to me why the government in so involved with sports and steroids? Why are we tearing down our heroes? Who do young people have to look up to any longer? Admittedly, I'm not a sports fan and quite frankly thought they all did steroids. I guess I can understand the Olympic athlete, Marion Jones and her tumble to the big house. She lied and has to go to jail. Scooter Libby lied, but he got pardoned by our president. hmmph. But a woman who begs the court to spare her jail sentence, saying she's suffered enough, turns a blind eye to her pleas.
I just don't get what the purpose of destroying our heroes is. I grew up in a family of Boston Red Sox fans, I can't imagine what my brother thinks about his hero, Roger Clemens, and the allocations that he did steroids. So what, it's a game. Big deal. If you want to take athletes down a notch, pay them less. Give them less endorsements. Make them invisible, don't place them on a pedestal. Our heroes are cheats, liars and drug users. Next time you catch your friend cheating at pool, sue them! That's what we do here in America.
Who do we have to look up to then? Certainly not many celebrities, few athletes and you can forget about our nations' leader. We are so busy tearing down reputations of others that we've forgotten what really matters. We are a nation run by dishonesty, fueled by cheats and over-ruled by the courts.
Maybe Clemens can get a job on American Gladiator, (season 2 started last night) because it's quite obvious that man with a head the size of two watermelons is obviously on steroids. Normal humans just don't look like that.

The use of steroids themselves is not illegal. Apparently Mary J. Blige, Madonna, and Wyclef Jean are just a few celebrities that use steroids for their performances. Do we now undervalue them for this? I want my money back for that Madonna show in Madison Square Garden last year. I didn't pay good money to watch a pop star all 'roided out prance across stage. Oh wait, yes I did. That's exactly what I paid for, to be entertained. When do we start letting humans be humans. Our expectations of greatness only encourages less-than-stellar behavior for fears of disappointment.

And why don't we care about, say....hockey players. Why aren't they being attacked. Because, silly, they hardly make any money, garner few fans and are really low on the general publics' radar.

I just think it's pathetic. We are willing to take away so much when all we wanted in the first place was to be entertained.

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