Monday, March 3, 2008

andrew zimmern, an essay

I don't know what it is about Andrew Zimmern and his show, Bizarre Foods. It's even more offensive than Anthony Bourdain. Yet somehow, despite the ingestion of cow testicles, various animal penis' and other unmentionables, (chicken vagina, anyone?) I'm deliciously hooked to his zany, senseless eating of anything offered. Andrew Zimmern would be the perfect guest at any gathering. Although his table manners have much to be desired, he eats what is given to him. His mother must be so proud.
I'm not sure what draws me to his show every Tuesday night on the Travel Channel. Often there is a scene of an animal being butchered that forces me to squeeze shut my eyes and cover my ears. It's his way of describing things and the faces he makes that makes this so fun to watch. You have to give him props for enlightening us on the street food of other cultures. Plus he'll even eat tofu!
Andrew Zimmern is affecting my dreams. I had a dream last week, after his trip to Hong Kong, that I walked into a basement where three cows were waiting to be butchered. They had the face of humans and told us not to look at them. The following week I dreamt that I was handed a crab to cook when I threw him in the boiling water I quickly picked him out and flung him on the floor, just barely saving his life.
Andrew Zimmern is affecting my dreams, but in my dreams I am still vegan.

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