Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ding-dong, starbucks is dead

In case you haven't heard, the coffee chain responsible for putting thousands of independent coffee shops out of business is shuttering 600 stores. Could it be the high price of coffee simply doesn't jibe with todays economy? hmmm, gallon of gas or cup of coffee? Get yourself to work or get a morning buzz? Not to mention the amount of calories that one consumes in a decaf grande mocha-caramel iced-coffee latte.
This weekend, I visited the small Massachusetts town of Ipswich, and was happy to find that Zumi's, the local fair-trade coffee shop was still there and buzzing with business. And can you believe that one tea and one coffee only cost me $2.83?? Take that Starbucks.
For those of you who followed Wandering Cup, my short-lived independent-themed vegan-based blog, you will probably be revelling in the streets at this fortiutous news. I'm trying to think which shop will close in Philly first, and I'm hoping it's the one on Broad and Pine, robbing those poor University of the Arts students of their hard-earned money, and forcing them to walk a short block to Last Drop or Spruce Street Espresso. As much as I hate Starbucks, I do love to see that little green logo on long highway drives, because I know I can get a quality tea. Now if we can only get everyone to carry quality supplies we wouldn't have the need for a major conglomerate taking all the business. Can you believe places still sell Lipton tea?
If you do one thing today, support your local coffee shop and thank them for being there.

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