Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vegan shoes for classy gals

Natalie Portman was on Project Runway as a guest judge to pump up her new upscale vegan shoe line. Follow the link here.
Just today yet another pair of cheap vegan shoes I recently purchased fell to pieces and reinforced my need for some quality shoes.
Thanks Natalie!


Michelle said...

You may want to check out http://www.vegetarianshoesandbags.com/

They have great looking, affordable vegan shoes there. (handbags, too!)

Great looking and durable shouldn't cost you a MINT!

Unknown said...

I do normally buy from that website, but my shoes last just half a season! Of course I'm referring to the summer throw-away shoes anyway. While I cannot afford luxury shoes that Natalie sells, at least we (vegans) are getting more higher-end options!