Tuesday, November 18, 2008

friends helping friends

Philadelphia's relatively new mayor, Michael Nutter, announced plans to cut funding for many arts-based projects and programs in Philadelphia in a desperate measure to curb spending. Like many American cities, Philadelphia is sinking fast.
One place where Nutter wants to implement cuts is libraries, and if all goes according to plan, 11 libraries will close in the city. It may not seem vital to you, who are reading this blog from the comfort of your office, or home, or better yet home office, but there are millions of Americans who rely on the actuality of a library to be their information hub. Libraries provide free Internet service to those who can't afford a computer (or a home!). They assist with research, provide guidance and help you get the answers you need. Libraries provide countless books to patrons every year, and in this economy it has been proven that circulation of loaned books through libraries is on the rise
The library also furnishes programs for kids. Especially inner-city kids whose parents count on the safety and educational promise that a library brings. In this city, especially, with the crime rate on a constant rise, the last place I want my child to be is on the streets after school. In Philadelphia, the library hosts poetry readings, book signings and a whole host of other programs keep kids interested and involved. I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, I was always at the library. My mother was a working mother and I was a ravenous reader and she knew I would be quite at home with a book and a place to read.
So, what can we do, other then be outraged? A good place to start is a donation of $10 to the Friends of the Library. Ten dollars from every Philadelphian is enough to keep these libraries open for a short time while they hustle to find a lasting solution. I won't forget to mention the people who will be out of a job. How is this helping us? Mayor Nutter's preposterous budget cuts leaves us with more unemployed people on the street and the chance that a future poet might become a thug instead. Oh, did I mention that I've worked in the Free Library of Philadelphia before and that I have my masters' degree in library science?
Budget cuts always fall in places that hit hardest. Libraries are not day care centers but they do foster ingenuity and a healthy mind. Think this won't affect you? Think again. and donate 10 bucks, please.

Here's a link to the FLP's website: http://www.library.phila.gov/
Check it out for weekly events, sign up for a library card and utilize their databases. Think Google can answer all your questions? You are sadly mistaken.

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