Thursday, January 24, 2008

vegans on tv

I'm excited about the increased presence of vegans in the media. Marilu Henner has been making the rounds this week, promoting her stint on Donald Trump' "Celebrity Apprentice". Last night she was on Jimmy Kimmel and also on Jay Leno earlier in the month. Henner is probably best known for her role in the sitcom, Taxi, but most recently she has been working the health food circuit, publishing more than 7 books on healthy living. What I like most about Henner, is that she hardly ever uses the word "vegan." Instead she concentrates on health, which opens more ears ( and pocketbooks!). The word health is a welcome one, while the word vegan, indicates a strict lifestyle most people don't even want to begin to understand.
Henner publicly embarrassed Jimmy Kimmel last night, explaining his puffiness around his eyes is due to too much cheese and dairy and that the fat gullet around his mouth and chin was evidence of too much meat.
Keep your eyes peeled for more appearances on television by Marilu Henner. She's a fireball, must be pushing 60 and looks fantastic. If women need further impetus to become vegan, take a look at Henner for inspiration.

we tried Dennis, we tried

The news comes, unsurprisingly, that Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the Presidential 2008 race for candidacy. I admit, I'm upset. Dennis stands for everything I do and more. He has opened my eyes to many things, including how little substance counts unless one has support by a multi-million conglomerate. He was shunned by the media, mocked for his height and appearance and ultimately could not afford to run this race. read more here:

I'm disappointed in the rest of the Democrats. I'm tired of hearing Hilary and Obama bash each other on the playground. Obama is a tit-for-tat fighter and Hilary has better rhetoric. It's a word war and we aren't getting a chance to see what they are all about.
My vote, for now, lies with Ron Paul.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An answer to our prayers?

Just when I was asking who would stand up for global warming and animal consumption as directly linked issues, who should come along, unsurprisingly, but Sir Paul McCartney. I heard mention of this crusade on Keith Olbermann last night but no matter how hard I tried this was all I could come up with. More on this later...
This article refers to Sir Paul and his advocacy of rat's milk for optimal nutritional value but he was only saying that because he must have recently read "Diet for a New America". Check it out here: and it is also available via Google Books. If you haven't read it and you're vegan or thinking about becoming vegan, you should.
I came across this article, for all you Prius lovers, of this incredibly pertinent article. It's extremely well-written and if you don't want to take the time to read Diet for a New America then this is a quick, less graphic and detailed summary of the main issues surrounding veganism and global welfare.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

animal rights in the media

On Family Guy last Sunday, Peter eats too many mcBurgers and has a mcStroke. In response to losing his lawsuit, he breaks into the slaughterhouse and frees the lead cow. While pushing it a bit, (they compare the senseless slaughter of animals to the Holocaust), the writers help bring awareness to an issue that we see more and more frequently in America and in the media. In the end, the cow thanks all his supporters, the "homo-sexual salad eaters" of America.
see it here:

Vegans and animal rights supporters need to alter the image the media has of caring, healthy people.

It's a known fact that Al Gore simply won't acknowledge that Big Cow in America is a lead cause of global warming. Gore grew up on a ranch, so his denial makes perfect sense. But if we can't get the leader of global warming to make this concession, than who will?

Also in the media, PETA's daring new ad campaign to get your pets neutered. PETA compares teenage pregnancy to not spaying and neutering pets.
Living in Philadelphia, I can see the comparison, Seriously!We have as bad a feral cat problem as we do teenage pregnancies . PETA, I don't think you're crazy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to Communicate with your cat

Ever wonder what the hell your cat is jabbering on about? Does your cat sit and stare and squint at you? Well, she's really blowing you a kiss! ha! Who knew? that and much more after the link.

msnbc and mediatocracy

Dennis Kucinich is not allowed to participate in tonight's Democratic Debate on MSNBC.
It's time to demand an answer. He's who I want to hear. Not these cookie-cutter wishy-washy candidates that make promises based on the state they visit or popular opinion. Listening to Hillary and Obama is kind of like that teacher from Charlie Brown "wah whah wahh wahhh" same old same old. change change change. This is not censorship, per se, but something pretty darn close.
I'm beginning to see the big picture and I'm not liking it.
No wonder so many people stay home, hiding behind their televisions. Ignorance IS bliss.

sports, drugs and the law

Can anyone please explain to me why the government in so involved with sports and steroids? Why are we tearing down our heroes? Who do young people have to look up to any longer? Admittedly, I'm not a sports fan and quite frankly thought they all did steroids. I guess I can understand the Olympic athlete, Marion Jones and her tumble to the big house. She lied and has to go to jail. Scooter Libby lied, but he got pardoned by our president. hmmph. But a woman who begs the court to spare her jail sentence, saying she's suffered enough, turns a blind eye to her pleas.
I just don't get what the purpose of destroying our heroes is. I grew up in a family of Boston Red Sox fans, I can't imagine what my brother thinks about his hero, Roger Clemens, and the allocations that he did steroids. So what, it's a game. Big deal. If you want to take athletes down a notch, pay them less. Give them less endorsements. Make them invisible, don't place them on a pedestal. Our heroes are cheats, liars and drug users. Next time you catch your friend cheating at pool, sue them! That's what we do here in America.
Who do we have to look up to then? Certainly not many celebrities, few athletes and you can forget about our nations' leader. We are so busy tearing down reputations of others that we've forgotten what really matters. We are a nation run by dishonesty, fueled by cheats and over-ruled by the courts.
Maybe Clemens can get a job on American Gladiator, (season 2 started last night) because it's quite obvious that man with a head the size of two watermelons is obviously on steroids. Normal humans just don't look like that.

The use of steroids themselves is not illegal. Apparently Mary J. Blige, Madonna, and Wyclef Jean are just a few celebrities that use steroids for their performances. Do we now undervalue them for this? I want my money back for that Madonna show in Madison Square Garden last year. I didn't pay good money to watch a pop star all 'roided out prance across stage. Oh wait, yes I did. That's exactly what I paid for, to be entertained. When do we start letting humans be humans. Our expectations of greatness only encourages less-than-stellar behavior for fears of disappointment.

And why don't we care about, players. Why aren't they being attacked. Because, silly, they hardly make any money, garner few fans and are really low on the general publics' radar.

I just think it's pathetic. We are willing to take away so much when all we wanted in the first place was to be entertained.

Monday, January 14, 2008

uggs was so 2005!

I can only imagine how many girls wishes were fulfilled this year by Santa Claus. Judging from the clones of girls running all over Philly in their brand new Uggs, I think every girl got what they asked for. I also know why they are called Uggs because of that horrible sound that comes out of one's mouth when I see a clone donned in sheep's' skin. "uggghhhh"

How many sheep farms have been started up over this newest fashion craze. How many sheep die for your hideously ugly boots?

I'm reliving my past; last year in Manhattan was the year of the Ugg. Now Philly is just catching up and it's only a matter of time before this trend runs dry. I, personally, can hardly wait.
The Ugg is 2004's cowboy boot; A poor fashion choice, a wasteful wardrobe piece and a skeleton in your closet.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

vegan baking exploits

I was pretty busy this weekend, concocting this masterpeice. It is a chocolate layer cake with chocolate fudge and mixed berry filling. Vegan and wheat-free.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


We are living in a mediatocricy. (A government run by the media) I've just coined a new word in response to the refusal to allow Dennis Kucinich to appear on Fox News during the Iowa Caucus, and now ABC did not allow Dennis in on the New Hampshire debates last night. America is not being given the entire spectrum of their voting pool, and for progressive thinkers, Kucinich really is the only candidate for real political change. Against the war, with a strong health care plan, for getting us away from our dependence on foreign oil, and most importantly for our rights as US citizens, Kucinich, a strong upholder of the Constitution, rings strong with my values. There are more than just two candidates people, open your eyes!
America will vote for whomever gets the most visibility from the powers of the media unless we realize we are being hoodwinked into voting for a corporate tool. Think about it.

Republicans scare me. Mitt Romney has little hope left, Guilani is ruined and Huckleberry has the evangelical support. Please don't let us slip into a Christian military state, with Huckleberry as our guide. Ron Paul is the only hope we, as American people, have other than Dennis. Would Obama, a black man, be able to win the vote against Huckleberry? Time will only tell. But I'm still hoping for Kucinich.
People, do yourself and everyone else a favor. Get educated, look beyond the obvious, be detectives. Make it work for all of us.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

oops she did it again

Like any other human on earth, I must give my two cents on Britney.

Not surprised, really, that she got dragged off to rehab. Is it any surprise that she is mental? Shaved head anyone? We are all just transfixed, fascinated, glued to our seats, at the expense of this washed up pop star who belongs in a trailer. She's the next Anna Nicole, mark my words.

The more interesting thing, I think, is the state of all our former media queens. Hmm..Paris was photographed with first Larry Birkhead, (Ann Nicole's baby papa) and then later, with K-Fed. I think it's great for K-Fed, but Paris, umm aren't these DList celebs? Has Paris sunk too low?

What about Lindsay? All I hear is that she's unhirable, washed up. Oh and that she had a little slip up and drank something. Oh, to be a celebrity, where we aren't allowed more than one mistake, where a day makes all the difference. We don't know who are role models are anymore, because, quite frankly they're boring and don't make the media any money so we never see them anyways.